March 26, 2010

my 18th bday!!

25 march 1992 adalah birthday sy yg ke 18..
alhamdulillah tepat pukul 6.05 pm genaplah umur sy 18 thn..
xsgka dh lama gk hidup kt dunia ni..
tq so much to my parents..
melahirkan, mengasuh, mendidik, memberi kasih sayang,

didikan etc kpd sy..

tq so much too to all my beloved friends..
for all their birthday wishes..
hopefully, i'll manage to reply all their comments, messages,
mmses, so forth..

thun ni celebrate birthday dgn nas,mun,wana,molly,sue,hani,donat,wamad,dono dkt midvalley..(❤‿❤)
mula2 g pesta buku then pergi mid naek komuter.
impian daia tercapai jgk which is dpt cupcake on mybday haha.

tp sdey nye ble blk umah,ayah dah xdpt clebrate satu family.ayah bli kek for me to potong n mkn sme2.ayh have to go to perlis last night so he promised me to clebrate my bday this weekend.urgh!cant wait for ayah to go back.


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